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Em's RolePlay; BIO Gallery!

Incase you havn't yet visited it yet, this forum helps my RolePlay forum be what it is today. This forum play's host to everyones RolePlay characters that they use frequently, or not so frequintly on my RolePlay, 'Em's RolePlay Kingdom'. Here you will find a varity of different characters, even if you don't enjoy RolePlay, you may enjoy reading through others RolePlay characters!

Em's RolePlay; BIO Gallery!
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Rp character BIO's

Ok, in this thread I am going to explain about the RP characters BIO's, which are 100% nessecary.

Each of your characters needs a BIO, if you don't already know, a BIO is like a profile, so in simpler form, every character used on this RP board needs a profile.

In you characters BIO (profile) you need to include the folowing, all feilds with a '*' infront of it, is requried, others are optional:

*Your characters name:

*Your characters age:

*Your characters intrests:

*Your characters occupation, if they have one:

*Your characters weight (approx):

*Your characters height (approx):

*Your characters gender (male/female):

*You Characters Childhood (breif):

*Your characters species (i.e: faire, elf, ect):

What your character craves, if they crave anything in life:

A possiable secret admirer, or someone your character admires:

Your characters parents:

Some of your characters friends or allies:

Specail attacks, if they have any:

* * *

The possibilties are endless, you can add as many or as little facts about your character as you wish, as long as you include the ones with a '*' infront of the feild.

Your character/s can be anything you wish, within reason, your character can NOT be emortal, or industructible, they have to have at the very least, one weakness.

For more RP rules, see the Rules thread.

If you don't already know, RP, stands for, RolePlay.

When you have figured out what you wish to include in your character/s profile post it here, right in this very thread, if you are in the middle of a RP and your character is having a conversation with another character, and you have foggoten something about them, pay a quick visit to this thread and read that characters BIO, it'll be like a quick refrence to all the characters used in this RP forum!