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Em's RolePlay; BIO Gallery!

Incase you havn't yet visited it yet, this forum helps my RolePlay forum be what it is today. This forum play's host to everyones RolePlay characters that they use frequently, or not so frequintly on my RolePlay, 'Em's RolePlay Kingdom'. Here you will find a varity of different characters, even if you don't enjoy RolePlay, you may enjoy reading through others RolePlay characters!

Em's RolePlay; BIO Gallery!
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RE : Character Bio's



Characters name: Mr Bigglesworth

Characters age: 67 (human years)

Characters height: How tall are frog's and there's your answer!

Characters weight: See the feild above and alter infomatoin accordingly!

Characters intrests: Flies and comfotable lilly pads!

Characters occupation: none, he's a frog!

Characters Gender: Male Frog

Characters childhood (breif): Mr Bigglesworth's childhood wasn't as interesting as the other tadpoles, all the others got to swim around in a big pond and play together, but not Mr Bigglesworth, all he did all day was float there, in a brown and murky pond, waiting for his legs to grow so he could escape from the dirty pond, which he did a few years ago and now hates pollution.

Characters Species: Wise Frog

My Character Craves in life a...:Nice, green and comfortable lilly pad sitting perfectly balanced in a pong of crystal clear water.

Defense attacks: Tounge Lick!