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Em's RolePlay; BIO Gallery!

Incase you havn't yet visited it yet, this forum helps my RolePlay forum be what it is today. This forum play's host to everyones RolePlay characters that they use frequently, or not so frequintly on my RolePlay, 'Em's RolePlay Kingdom'. Here you will find a varity of different characters, even if you don't enjoy RolePlay, you may enjoy reading through others RolePlay characters!

Em's RolePlay; BIO Gallery!
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Emma-Leigh's roleplay BIO no. 8


Name: Darr


Age: Twelve years old

Intrests: Adventures, saving people and DeckBall. (Neopets soccer)

Occupation: Un-official Hero.

Weight: 25kg

Height: 45cm

Gender: Male

Species: Krawk

Childhood: None really...most of it was playing deckball in the chapionships and adventures in the most un-likly places you could ever imagine!

Darr is from: Krawk Island

Personality: Darr is a peace loving kind not to mention friendly Krawk with a good sense of humour and deriction. I thinks about thing's quickly before he does them and out smarts his obstacles more often than he does out run or out power them, though he could.