Bus Parts For Sale & Swap Forum

Welcome to our forum. Feel free to post a message. Please let me know when you swap or sell your parts so I can remove the items from this forum. Thank You to post pictures; Images must be stored somewhere that allows remote loading, or on a Bravenet Photo Center. Is also seems that images stored on Bravehost web space also work. The owner of the forum must also have enabled html in the forum. , you simply use standard html code: you start out with this simbol..... < ..... then...... img src= ..... then your web address for the picture.... then this simbol.... > ...... and your picture should come up example < img src=http://www.britishbusclub.org/52%20JAL%20far%20side.JPG> pictures can be gif or jpg.


  Please NOTE this is an  old forum I had on a different site but all seems to be working.


Bus Parts For Sale & Swap Forum
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3 early 50's AEC Regents, a 1962 Leyland PD-2, and many parts and engines

All buses running when aquired approx 10 years ago except PD-2 with no engine.PD-2 in fairly good condition inside and out for it's age. All buses very restorable. Have several engines including Gardeners and Southhalls. Many injectors for sale as well. Only serious cash offers. located in Western Canada. Can be reached @ this e-mail or @ 1 250 722 2070.