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Incase you havn't yet visited it yet, this forum helps my RolePlay forum be what it is today. This forum play's host to everyones RolePlay characters that they use frequently, or not so frequintly on my RolePlay, 'Em's RolePlay Kingdom'. Here you will find a varity of different characters, even if you don't enjoy RolePlay, you may enjoy reading through others RolePlay characters!

Em's RolePlay; BIO Gallery!
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RolePlay Character, no. three



Name acary (Zac for short) Blim (Bl-im)

Age:Twelve, Earth Years old


Height ne Meter, not including antenea


Occupation uzzle Palace Guard

Childhood (Breif):In human Years, the childhood is happening now, in the roleplays!


Intrests:Weaponary and the Fuzzle Puzzle Awards, AND games!

Personality:A dertermined young Fuzzle, who has a future as a guard, OR army officer.

Appearence:A tall (for a fuzzle) strong, and reasonably bulky young fuzzle, a stern face while on duty and, also while on duty, medium legnth tense antenea

Usual Clothing:The Guard uniform consists of, a small ornage cap, with black writing reading, 'Fast Bulky Inspector' in short, FBI.

Strengths:Well, he carries a well equipted arsenal, consisting of the top fuzzle defense and, IF needed, attack weapons, thats got to be a strong point!

Weaknesses:Being attacked, fired at, ect... from below, for example, if he was on a plank off the ground, and if someone was shooting from below the plank, Zac finds it hard to go into defense mode, or fight back, most fuzzles do.

Weaponary owned:A fuzzle XX9 Hand Gun, 007 Rocket Boots, a 939 fuzzle bazokaa complete with sideboard attachments, for emergencies, three fully operational grenades timer included, a prpella that can get up to speeds of 34clix and hour(which is a long way in fuzzle air travel), a fuzzle protection suit with eight large fuzzle pockets for all the fuzzles needs and a 3007 spy camera fitted to perfection!

Resident Of:008 Mcfairlin Street, Manopla

Home Planet resa (Dree-s-a)

Favorite Food:Candy Wedges with Sherbet Sauce

Favorite Object:His 007 Rocket Boots

Favorite Weapon:XX9 Handgun

Favorite form of transport:Rocket Boots, flying

Friend Of:Walin (Way-lin)

Allie Of arre (Par-re)

Partner Of: Hawkjin (Hawk for short)