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Bus Parts For Sale & Swap Forum
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need electrical diagrams

Have 64 Lodekka in dire need of electrical rework and I would like to have a set of diagrams. HELP!!!

Re: need electrical diagrams

Hi Brantley, In the store for this club we offer a cd that is for the Lodekka buses for $25.00 it has all the electrical diagrams for this series of buses. the cd is in PDF format and each page can be wenlarged to make it easy to read. We also have a cd of everything Lodekka including a body plan from ECW this one goes for $35.00 this one is not listed yet on the store page. But will be soon , but if you want that one just let me know and you can pay through Pay Pal.

Where are you located?

Mark G

Re: Re: need electrical diagrams

Hi Mark, thanks for the info. I am located in Savannah Ga. USA, and the bus belongs to a local Arts School, and before I purchase anything I will need to ensure that this model bus will be covered. I keep forgetting to bring home the serial numbers. They have the bus listed as a 1964 but I am not to sure of that after viewing several web sites. I will be back next week looking for this info.

Re: Re: Re: need electrical diagrams

Brantley have the school join the club then for the $15.00 membership fee you can get free access to the manuals you need in the members only section there are more manuals that what's for sale.
Have them send me the $15.00 membership fee the bus serial number and a picture of the bus and I'll send them and you the login and password for the members only section then you can get to what you need.

the membership form is onthe top of the front page of the web site.

Mark G
I also own a Bristol Lodekka the one shown on the fisrt page.