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  Please NOTE this is an  old forum I had on a different site but all seems to be working.


Bus Parts For Sale & Swap Forum
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Re: 3 Bristol Lodekkas 1953 LD6B, 1958 LD6B, 1962 FS6B

Hi Mark,
we spoke some time ago about Pauls'collection of 3 Lodekkas(including a 1962 FS6B) in Canada. Things have been selling although slowly of late. I personally have 3 AEC Regents early 50's but I am now letting them go for the right offer. But, back to Paul, I believe he is more realistic re the value of the remaining buses,given the recession, and is willing to entertain any reasonable offers or value in trade. I know he would prefer to sell all 3 at a reduced package rate to a collector but he is also open to one at a time if necessary. Also some parts (injectors, 5 engines(Not running but all there)seats and other misc.items. Let me know if any of this interests you or other members. He may also be open to partial financing under the right circumstance.
1 250 722 2070

Re: Bristol Lodekka Parts Needed

would you have any Lodekka interior available Mark?? Absoulutly anything??
if so please contact.