BP Aden Kids

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BP Aden Kids
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(sorry this is replay to yasser alwan for last message from here, please make it as replay for the his message)

with name of allah
Mr. Yasser

all the pictures in this site are not enough !!!

and the Internet has many and many, search about it.

another thing, please read and explore the old magazines in this site and another site..

also u can take a pictures from the movies, we have old film about fuqum...

if u r serious every thing is beside you....

hani bassel

Email: stronger20052002@yahoo.com

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الاخ : هاني
انا طلبت صور و لقطات فيديو لم تنشر بعد في الموقع
وكان طلبي من الانجليز الذين عاشوا في عدن او احفادهم
وكل ما هو منشور في هذا الموقع لقد رأيتة وحفظته في جهازي ولم اترك شاردة ولا واردة في هذا المواقع و مواقع اخرى مشابهة الا و نسختها معي ... اريد اشياء لم تنشر بعد اشياء خاصة
وكنت اريد الردود من اصحاب الشأن الذين توجهت اليهم بالطلب !!

مع تحياتي ...
ياسر علوان


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mr. yasser:

you are very polite.

but, u must to be logical, wait that, mr. jonthan put every thing when he got it.

and the forum for all, (all) we put what we have from the memories (pictures and others).

hani bassel.

Email: stronger20052002@yahoo.com

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You do not understand ..
I had my specific and certain people ...
Why You used the plural (We) ..
You are curious and also I am still young and inexperienced