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Robert Quillen


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hey...do u guys think euthanasia is a crime?
...i disagree...a person hooked up to tubes..in pain and struggling for breath...shouludnt he have a right to decide as to whether he wants to live or not?when dogs have sumthin similar , they are put down.Why is it not kinder for humans?

Re: euthanasia?

I believe in euthanasia for people who have a terminal illness and want to die with dignity, but I don't believe that it should be available to anyone who wants to die like it is in the Netherlands.

Re: euthanasia?

What's wrong with all the youths in asia? When they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, relatively speaking, suiciding hopeless people painlessly, I would say that it is fine, as long as it is consented. But there should be major counseling first, as well as a major effort to get their life goals done before those youths in asia do them in.