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lang determinism, lang relativity and lang ______?

there's lang determinism that means lang determines thought
lang relativity where lang influences thought
so what would you call the definition for concept that thought is independant of lang?????

School Bandung Int School

Re: lang determinism, lang relativity and lang ______?

there's lang determinism that means lang determines thought
lang relativity where lang influences thought
so what would you call the definition for concept that thought is independant of lang?????

I take it that by "lang" you mean language, so...
Usually, language does not influence thought. For example, we understand our own versions of good and evil, but when we speak of good and evil we are talking about the concepts, for it is not the word that inspired our wonder , but the concept. In fact, it is truly thought that determines language, and it is our language that is insufficient to describe our thoughts. And thus, toughts independent of language are just called thoughts, since language does not determine thought, and thought influences language, not the other way around. Through the reception of language perhaps, it may seem like our thoughts are influenced by the words of another, but this is an illusion. It is our thoughts from the gist of the interpreted message that cause us to respond with thoughts of our own. But again, language is an attempt to describe thoughts, and our reception of it is an attempt to understand another's thought's, not their language. So they are just thoughts, no more, no less.