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TOK essay #5 for 2006/2007

Hey everyone.. I was just wondering if anybody could help me with my tok essay. The topic of the essay is Can Literature 'Tell the Truth better' than other Arts and Areas of Knowledge. I am in great need of help.. be it examples or just how to structure the essay. Plz reply as fast as possible if you have some ideas.. thank you!

School International College

Re: TOK essay #5 for 2006/2007

it depends on what kind of person you are..
a visual person would more prefer art as a representation of something, where as a person who likes to read would like to see it as literature.

it is a very contrevercial q.

Re: TOK essay #5 for 2006/2007

Well define what a truth is. after looking it upo tell about how a truth is based on one's interpretation of occurrences, and is a largely accepted theory. There are no real truths, b/c all supposed truths are backed by theories and postulates that are in turn supported by theories and are open to one's interpretation. I would say yes it can reveal truths, but it doesnt necessarily tell them better. For instance, any written text holds the bias of the author, and everyone has their own axe to grind, so the author can add their own spin on the text. Hope this helps at least a little.