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Robert Quillen


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Hi there everybody!

I was just wondering if anyone could help me and come up with some bright ideas, you see I have my TOK-presentation coming up and I would really much enjoy hearing what some of you might think about suicide. What does it mean to you? Is it a bad thing, a sin? or is it an action that anyone can choose to take? My plan is to talk about it in general, and not to take any side in this wuestion so it would be great if you could post me some of your opinions.


Bye bye!! // Maja.

School Sannarpsgymnasiet, Sweden

Re: Suicide.

You are a person. Killing your self is morally equivalent to killing any other person. In some cases, this might be justified. A clear example would be giving your life to save another. Usually though killing yourself is wrong, because of your own death and the pain it causes others.

You need a moral standard to take a position. I'm arguing from situation ethics/utilitarianism.

School PV

Re: Suicide.

Suicide is a very voilitile issue. To answer such a question would mean looking at "is there an afterlife" and if so would one be punished for suicide in said afterlife. You could look up different religious veiws on suicide but I fear theat would yeild the same response "evil!". But then again I don't know. Personally I think suicide is a individual choice, if anything, THE ULTIMATE CHOICE. Choosing life over death at any point is what makes us human because in death what are we?

"Suicide is painless it brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please"

Re: Suicide.

Suicide is many reasons in one word, I feel suicude is only a matter of someone facing depression or someone whom has too much angry built up inside and not letting someone in mental to help them, Or someone may not express their emotions in ways they may need to.
Even though everyone is human and we make mistakes, some can't be taken back, Yes it is bad and it is a sin but however who are we to judge on things that others feel and we don't and never have experience, everyone has their own way of dealing with thing but however we can only lend a hand to help those who want our help.

School Dougherty High