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if we were all immortal would life have any meaning to it?

thats my question :P

School ISK

Re: if we were all immortal would life have any meaning to it?

Probably not.. but I guess we'll never find out..

Re: if we were all immortal would life have any meaning to it?

I thought about this the other day, and for the sake of this rare and amazing post by Shamal I will think about it again...

I was listening to Chocolate by Snow Patrol, and it reminded me of one of the first weekends as a new student at a new school in Atlanta. Every Friday I would stay up as late as I could, and think of something silly to do that would make time stand still as much as possible. Most of the time I would go to Dunkin' Donuts (on a bike, so, don't judge me for that) and observe the college students who lived nearby freak out about projects, essays, majors, the little yellow duck, etc. One Friday in September I went to the movies at 12:50 AM to see The Last Kiss, and Chocolate is its theme song. Afterwards, I was sort of in a "what...the..." trance so I decided to take a little adventure by going right out of the theater towards the city instead of left towards my house to see what was going on at three in the morning. Yes, this is in Atlanta, Gangsta A-town or ATL or "he stole my bicycle" land.

I passed a Waffle House that had seemingly become an opium house by night, even though it was right next to a club called "The Parrot." Prostitutes walked by slowly in front of me, and German gangsters rolled by in their...whatever is most politically incorrect. I realized I was on a freakin' bicycle in this area at three in the morning, where any death looks like an accident. So I rode down the hill to a dark residential area (out of "Sin City on crack" and into "child-rape paradise") and I called my friend who lives in California. She was sick, or so she said, and now she was sick and ****** off. I got back onto the access road and sprinted back to the theater (not a running sprint, no one stole my bike), where I felt so protected and safe that I didn't mind the guy being dragged by my bike chain (oh, no, that was a dream).

When I got home, I was winded so I turned on LOST and had some ice cream with Magic Shell. I guess I was so fast on my bike that the simple fact that I am an idiot took a while to catch up with me. It was an awesome journey, and the movie was also awesome...Now, whenever I listen to Chocolate by Snow Patrol, it reminds me of this simpler time before I dug myself into a fun little crisis. In that long journey, including the movie, I was so happy and so awake and aware that dying was the last thing on my mind. This was just a random happening that made me truly happy. I wasn't happy because I thought I may die someday.

You can't become bored with life. Boredom is something that happens within life because of other things. We don't do a lot of things because we feel we don't have the time. Everything would have just as much meaning, because an unrelated and distant death defines nothing. There is no way to test this, because if you raised someone all their life without telling them about death, you can't just say "were you happy even when you didn't know you could die?" Because they would just say "die?! Go on?" Little kids are very happy. Not truly and knowingly happy, but happy nonetheless, and they procrastinate so much in their happiness that they are immortal in that short period of their lives.

Re: if we were all immortal would life have any meaning to it?

Gnar, why does it censor the synonym for annoyed? Now it looks like I dropped the F-bomb.

Re: if we were all immortal would life have any meaning to it?

Well, let's put it this way. What is life to you? Take away all things associated with death, and then what is life? For some, the meaning of life could be to explore the universe, which, because everything is constantly moving forwards in time, will be different every time they go to the same location in space. So their quest will never be over. This time dimension can be applied to many quests, making the answer to your question "yes". On the other hand, some have already completed/will complete their quests, so unless they find another, the answer will be no. If you really want to be basic, the objective of living creatures, according to scientists, is reprodution. And that quest ends only when your life ends (assuming we stop aging, if not, well, menopause), and if your life is infinitely long...bow chika wow wow!

Re: if we were all immortal would life have any meaning to it?

Honestly, if we were immortal, life would have meaning up to a certain point. The reason we do things in life is because we know that we only have a certain amount of time to live. If we were immortal, then at some point, most people wouldn't really care about things anymore. Being mortal, we stick to deadlines and try harder to achieve our goals so we can go on to lead lives that are successful and allow us to leave a legacy after we pass away. But what happens when you don't die? Death is a part of life. It is somewhat a way to free ourselves from the struggles, trials, and tribulations of life. (when it's meant to be of course.) If we were immortal, it would mean an endless cycle of the daily grind. After a while, we'd either end up in a state of anarchy because people stopped caring, or everyone will become lifeless and just go through the motions....

School Dougherty High School

Re: if we were all immortal would life have any meaning to it?

I think that we were all immortal than life would not have any meaning to it. This is because we would have so much time that we would not fell pressure to achieve something. We will not be motivated by anyone or anything. For instance, most people believe that they should live everyday like their last day so they don't regret it in the end. Well, if we have so much time in our hands then we will procrastinate more than ever. So the main point is that with immortality, LIFE will be meaningless.

School J Percy Page