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Hi all, I am a new member here. I wonder if any have experienced being poisoned by their mate. After all, throughout history it is the females who are known for committing this crime against men more frequently then the other way around.

It happened to me and the poisoning experience has been the deepest and most disturbing thing to overcome after that past toxic relationship with the abusive women. It is hard to pin point, but it was probably done with rat poison, and I was hospitalized for it. Before and after the hospital stay I was so brainwashed and clueless I did not understand why all the nurses were so suspicious when my girl friend came to visit each day. Worse is that it took me several years after-the-fact to finally put the pieces together that I was purposefully poisoned by her.

Then to top it off, everyone I have mentioned it to (including family) say I am insane for even suggesting something so insidious... therapists, lawyers, doctors, police, family, friends - it really becomes sickening at every level because it puts me in the spot where I share something important and it is devaluated and brushed off as crazy talk. It is sick and true mind control in that extent that her games were infectious into my most solid social structure *family*, creating even more isolatation and more distrust of people... it is complete success for her.

When I look back, it is years of my life with her are black or blank, like I was in a haze. Like she was erasing and distorting select parts out of my own memory. I think that somewhere along the way while switching doctors (for monitoring Coumadin, which is rat poison) she made me get a hold of the medical records from that hospital stay and she destroyed them. I’m pretty sure of that, but I have no memory of it. It’s like complete success for her. Very confusing, insideous, and scary stuff... by now she has probably acquired enough skills and experience with her methods to effortlessly get away with murder.

Re: Poisoners...

After leaving my bpdexgf I sought help because as we all know we become brain washed.

My therapist told me I was lucky that I had not been injured.
I really did not consider that a possibility. Even though she wanted to buy a 10 gauge shotgun (over kill) for the next time I left her.

Your story is frightening andante me realize my therapist might have been correct.
They are scary creatures.

Just be glad it is over and history now.


Re: Poisoners...

I am certain that Poisoning is an overlooked aspect of abuse dished out by those with NPD. In the past it was nicknamed "Inheritance Powder". Mind you, the ingestion of rat poison and other chems generally remains untraceable in modern hospitals. Look online, there's many ways to poison, and many stories, women made famous for Poisoning, there's books and movies too.

With me, I caught her looking up detailed chemistry information online. I found white powder in a drink prepared for me and showed it to her. I questioned the box of rat poison in the kitchen. There were lots of clues, but I could not put the pieces together at that time; questioning, why would a person I love and care for and is my everything, poison me?

I do not blame females specifically. Men with NPD can be equally as cruel. Females are better equipped for covert meddling with mens minds. Being poisoned is a very hardcore lesson to learn in that there really are truly evil people that have nothing but destructive intentions. It is done one drop at a time and the Poisoners are in it for the long haul.

Re: Poisoners...

I have had experience as well. I am lucky to be alive. As far as I can tell she poisoned me many times and tried one time to go ahead and do away with me all together.

I had flu like symptoms many times and thought that some kind of flu virus was following me from house to house. I became an obsessive hand washer only to realize this last year that was not the problem.

During her final blows to me (when she tried to kill me) I became VERY ill. All flu like symptoms plus halucinations, both audio and visual. I would get better only to get worse again...(like what happened to Napolean). I guess she would run out and I would get better. I threw up constantly, diarhea, confusion, aches and pains that I had never experienced before. I asked her to take me to the hospital and she said she was busy at work and I would have to drive myself. I did.

I didn't realize ANY of this until several people I know suggested it. I have dated two women since her and both (without the knowledge of the other) said she probably tried to kill me via poison. I instantly rejected this idea...But as I thought about it and researched it, there could only be one explanation. ...They were right.

I had to ask myself "why"? It finally hit me like a ton of bricks as I was driving one day. Insurance! When she became impatient with the small doses which build up she tried one large one to kill me for my life insurance money! But get this. She and her mother were BOTH in on it! Her mother prepared it and she served it to me in my food. My loving, adorable, kind, and considerate (NOT!) wife was trying to poison me. death.

If you could have seen the black, blank, distant looks she would give me as I lay in bed nearly helpless you would know exactly what I mean. Something eerie, and unholy radiated from her cold eyes and heart. Pure hate.

However, she did not succeed obviously. I am here to tell you about it. I survived. I had my hair tested and it was too late. I however have been down and talked to a detective about it and they believed me. Actually my NPD mother is the only one that questioned my findings. EVERYONE else I told is in full agreement that she did this.

This ******* b*tch is evil to the core. What comes around goes around. I feel sorry for any s.o.b. that has to put up with her. I really do.

Re: Poisoners...

all of these posts should be a lesson to all. That these types are truely and extremely dangerous. This is why getting out and no contact is extremely important. It can truely be a matter of life and death.

James (board manager)

Re: Poisoners...

HI...IT HAPPENS MORE THAN I COULD EVER IMAGINE...before I came to this, um, wonderful place, my wife said she thinks her sister put holy oil in our food because we have demons...her sister also thinks the doctors receptionist wants to kill her and to steal her have food delivered for $3 a day and the top was off, she said that is the way it arrived-which nvr happened before - and my wife said it looks like oil was poured on it.. and a while ago I stopped leaving my coffee in the kitchen and using the milk in the fridge because it tasted awful and one day I looked into the coffee on the stove and it had laundry soap in wife told me it is very, very common for ppl here to poison a husband to get their retirement money - someone she knows just said her daughters husband had died -I think the guy was in his 30`s...everyone sort of nodded at each other...these two are notorious for being bandits of the worst kind...and it seems like half of the retired ppl are kept doped up (from what I hear) so their kids can get their checks every month, rivotril is sold and traded here like bubble gum...I dont leave the coffee any more...and the other day her sister walks into the kicthen with a small bottle and put something on the brroom handle and just walked wife said it was probably holy oil...I wiped the handle and then wiped whatever it was on the handle of her sisters frying pan...if it wasnt holy oil...good....such is my life...

Re: Poisoners...

Wow becareful there jaja.

Yes, this is a serious topic I think I will dedicate a video to for sure, because it might save someones life. I do agree this happens more than it is reported or known.

Thanks for sharing.

James (board manager)

Re: Poisoners...

I too was poisoned by my 'wifey'.Except I didn't catch on until lately.
At the time I was in the best shape of my life.Vigorous exercise everyday.
The poison she used had an increased fight/flight response.Resulting in an
adrenaline surge everyday.Kinda felt good in a way,but I should have known
better,could not walk a straight line.Dizzy all the time.
I still have not recovered from the ill effects this poison has
created.Now I believe that no contact is mandatory!

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