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Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.

My ex tried keeping me as a "friend". This was the other day. We basically agreed to no more friendship, since the strings attached are strong, in my case more so i believe, since I was the one who loved her unconditionally, yet she did what she did and its hard for me to believe she had feelings as strong as mine. Prepare youselves for one wild story.

So after me and the ex split the second time, she went back to guy she orginally left me for, his name was rick. This guy had money, she claims she didnt date him (she was screwing him basically to pay her bills). She just started a intership at a law firm, where she met this guy she worked with, a younger guy by the name of frank. Now Rick obviously had a attachment to my ex, this guy would not stop the excessive contact with her in our secound round. When he found out about this new guy she was hanging out with, he went into pursuit mode, threw a fit, followed her around and threatened to take revenge. She starts seeing this new guy, and low and behold, the new guy frank gets fired from his job because of a complaint that was issued toward him from a "woman". The very next day, frank gets a letter to his parents( he lives next door to them) warning him to stay away from her, thats shes evil, only out for money, uses people, has mental problems ect. But......whos name was used in the warning letter? My sister! Apparently Rick sent this message to his parents in hope that it would divert blame off of him and make me the crazy stalker! This of course makes franks parents incredibly cautious of her and dont want their son seeing her because of obvious reasons. Now me....I have been out of this for quite some time. Rick actually followed me one night before all this. I pulled over and made sure i knew i seen him too, he then sped off. So my ex was crushed of course and started talking with me. She had suspicions that frank was talking to another girl and purposely staying away ( no s*hit sherlock ), she dropped him and invited me out and tried to sleep with me. I did not give in. I knew she was just using me to get over her ruined prospect, this was the night she took off the mask and revealed her true self to me. A shocking revelation i will soon not forget. The very next day, frank contacts her, and she becomes distant again from me.

According to her the plan is to keep rick believing she has no relationship prospect, so he continues to hand over her money, since she lost her waitresses job recently (the internship is with no pay), and to keep him stalking so she can get him arrested. She said she will win against him, but he does have the upperhand now. Shes playing dumb with another psycho. As for me? This was one crazy whirlwind that i got pulled into without lifting a finger. Its rather dangerous, so i left her on decent terms so she doesnt do anything crazy with me, i was just used as comfort. Its been 3 days no contact, i told her i will not cave in, in which she responds with "i know how you are, you will" im going to prove her wrong. This situation is dead to me, i cant have any part in a crazy stalker, and my ex liking yet another guy. Its too much. Not worth my time. Im glad she told me about the letter and believes i have no part in it, but im done being used. Let her deal with this mess alone and drag the new guy down with her, unless his parents wisen up and stop her.

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.

Wow, what chaos. The chaos in their lives keeps them from examining their own lives and selves. It is almost like medication for them.

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.

Chaos indeed......mine wanted to keep me as a "****buddy" while she trolled for my replacement. Ended up calling her a ho to her face and bailing. Famous doc on another site called me out for doing that. Gotta tell you. I have not been hoovered or seen her a$$ anywhere since. Guess I finally drew a hard line.

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.


OMG bro! thats fkn crazy! i hope the next time that woman contacts you ,you duck,bob and dodge .

im sure that sooner or later ,probably later she will

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.

I honestly doubt she will ever talk to me again. She had some proxies that would try to lean on me now and then......get in my face and such. Since I let slip the dogs of war they avoid me......even leave if they think I have not seen them. This was a woman that would ask if I was scared of her.....and I never was. But I never riled up in front of her either. I think I scared her when I blew and flew in the final hour. And I took pains to record the final encounter. Ran it by my lawyer for implications. He said "what can she do? You got mad and left with no threats or fighting."

Vacated the premises without being told to. I do not think any man ever did that to her.

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.

I honestly doubt she will ever talk to me again. She had some proxies that would try to lean on me now and then......get in my face and such. Since I let slip the dogs of war they avoid me......even leave if they think I have not seen them. This was a woman that would ask if I was scared of her.....and I never was. But I never riled up in front of her either. I think I scared her when I blew and flew in the final hour. And I took pains to record the final encounter. Ran it by my lawyer for implications. He said "what can she do? You got mad and left with no threats or fighting."

Vacated the premises without being told to. I do not think any man ever did that to her.

Very similar story, I called out narc (the younger) told her streight she was a heartless bi tch that was using people ( me and FNG)

I Got the never contact me again speach - I said ok and that was that....2 years NC (ish) now but for a few hover e-mails,

Sometimes you have to tell them straight that you've worked them out.. If you take off their mask - expose their secret identity they'll run. Caution, sometimes they'll come back like a wounded bear. Take all necessary precautions before trying that. make sure your ducks are lined up and you and yours are immune from her counter attack.

Be safe..

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.

Worked for me. No texts or emails in a year. They will hunt you......especially the really crazy ones so you need to bear that in mind. All quiet so far.

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.

Bout the same time frame for me too. Nearly a year of NC from me with diminishing unanswered hoovers from her. From what I "hear" from her anguished daughter is that my ex, whom is now nearing 45 years old and is "now" a screw ball waitress in a generic chain restaurant, is fooling around with a 22 year old service boy, and triangulating with others. The picture is not pretty. Crappy job, DUI court fines, no license, no car, room mate to room mate, and now screwing naive "kids". The saying proves to be true in her case that things don't get "better", options DO diminish, and you can't solve your problems with the same stinking thinking you used when you created them. For me the sky isn't falling, I am ascending. My life has steadily improved since I made "changes" and got away from the PDI blast zone. Time is indeed proven to be the ultimate leveler in these matters. In other words "cream rises and crap sinks" eventually. I have since very kindly told her daughter that "it" is no longer "my problem" and that I respect myself enough not to watch or want to know any more about this painful descending circus. I can testify the aging PDI is not a pretty sight. FLUSH! All quiet for some time now. NICE!

Re: Is she waiting for contact? Wild story you guys must read.


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