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Indifference and no contact is the best revenge

So ever since Ive put no contact and indifference into play I hear, as someone said once on here "sonar pings". Ive ignored her for about a week now, but i still get the occasional phone call or text. I did respond to these but very brief and acted as if I was busy. Last night I did a test, I let the phone ring over and over and the texts come in, I didnt respond. I get a very angry text about a hour later telling me "f*uck you" I call her back another hour later and she picks up immediately, telling me she was just wanting to see if I wanted a cool birthday gift because shes downtown with her new boyfriend, she acted odd and panic like and then told me "Tell that girl I said hi, give her a chance and be happy, I had a great time downtown too, so much fun!!". There was no girl, but she kept saying I was acting odd when all she was doing was rambling. I politely declined the gift offer and hung up. She calls yet again about a hour later asking me if I called her, I said no, and she said "alright nevermind, bye" So today I get up and check my facebook, seeing as im friends with her on fb ( I know guys, I have a plan ), i see she posts all these pictures with her new bf at places we used to go to! Including pictures of a bar that serves craft beers, which is something im into and she hated. i have not caved, and in these photos shes dressed all "rocker", this was the same woman who gave me crap about my style about a month ago. Guys.....she stole my personality and is feeding it to this guy. Now my plan is, I want to see how far she will but on a show to get me to respond, when she realizes its futile, bam, im off her facebook, blocking her number and never responding to her again. If i cant damage her verbally, which fueled the fire more, im gonna damage her with abandonment suddenly and dissapear. I find this is the best way to beat them, not the sorry sap I used to be answering her every call and catering to her needs and needing attention. INDIFFERENCE . I am so done with this b*itch, once im gone, theres only one guy she can focus on, the new guy. Poor sap, hope you like your women with a little mileage, cause I ran that one ragged!

Re: Indifference and no contact is the best revenge

I know ive said this all before. But my character flaw is being so nice, even to people who dont deserve my kindness, like her. I came to realize I was so conditioned to be a doormat to her everytime. I put myself in that spot and let her rule my life. I cannot do that anymore. I lost my balls to this woman. F that, she never once knew what it was like not to have me in her life, now shes going to. Actions speak louder than words, im not telling her im leaving, but im showing it, that hurts more.

Re: Indifference and no contact is the best revenge

OK Chris I get it. If you are REALLY ready to stop being the sappy nice guy as you claim, and you ACTUALLY NOW realize this in your heart of hearts then it is also NOW time for YOU to man up and begin to make some changes in YOUR thinking and behaviors. You yourself have stated the the actions needed to complete NO COMMUNICATION, which means NOT returning her telephone calls IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. IMO you are NOT INCOMMUNICADO until your telephone number is changed, your facebook is blocked, your e-mail is filtered and you begin to practice being interested in what YOU are doing with your life as opposed to ANY continued focus or interest on her nonsense.

The "intention" of no communication is not about "revenge" or getting even or spinning her head with the goals of one upping or humiliating anybody. The fact is you will not "win" that game anyway. She is PDI and does not GET IT! You are not going to walk away with your head high if you believe that the end result is going to have a winner and a loser. That is not how this works. Mature and directed decisions do not require maneuvers. They are decided and implemented. The goal here should be about YOUR soul survival and the building and formation of personal mature and healthy actions and habits that lead to a knowledge and understanding or YOUR of self worth, awareness, and earned dignity. A mistake only happens once. Twice is a choice.

Re: Indifference and no contact is the best revenge

OK Chris I get it. If you are REALLY ready to stop being the sappy nice guy as you claim, and you ACTUALLY NOW realize this in your heart of hearts then it is also NOW time for YOU to man up and begin to make some changes in YOUR thinking and behaviors. You yourself have stated the the actions needed to complete NO COMMUNICATION, which means NOT returning her telephone calls IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. IMO you are NOT INCOMMUNICADO until your telephone number is changed, your facebook is blocked, your e-mail is filtered and you begin to practice being interested in what YOU are doing with your life as opposed to ANY continued focus or interest on her nonsense.

The "intention" of no communication is not about "revenge" or getting even or spinning her head with the goals of one upping or humiliating anybody. The fact is you will not "win" that game anyway. She is PDI and does not GET IT! You are not going to walk away with your head high if you believe that the end result is going to have a winner and a loser. That is not how this works. Mature and directed decisions do not require maneuvers. They are decided and implemented. The goal here should be about YOUR soul survival and the building and formation of personal mature and healthy actions and habits that lead to a knowledge and understanding or YOUR of self worth, awareness, and earned dignity. A mistake only happens once. Twice is a choice.

yeh - what he said!

Sonar pings are the "do I still have you're attention" devices - NOTHING ELSE

Show....not say..... that she doesn't! JFDI - Just effing Do IT. You saw how she responded when she felt she didn't, (Mine had a total melt down). As BB said she isn't paying attention anyway. She is too busy projecting her sorry fairy tail to the FNG and checking if she still has a pull on you, just in case. Don't even think there is any thing there but a desire to F you around.

NC is for you and not her. Keep strong.

Re: Indifference and no contact is the best revenge

"When you look into the abyss the abyss looks into you."........Neitszche

Any contact with the ex allows her hands on your soul. It diverts your resources from yourself and opens old wounds. Flee and be free my son.

Re: Indifference and no contact is the best revenge

Chris : now is the time to man up.

You've been abused exactly because of your weakness, now is time to do something so it doesn't happen again.

The world is a tough place, it's time to build up your shields.

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