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A Self observation

I get to travel for work a great deal, so I have a lot of windshield time to reflect on my life. It makes for some long days at times.

So, today, I had the urge to text my wife and tell her that if we reconciled things that I would treat her like a queen the rest of her life.

The urge to send her this message was tremendous. I stopped myself. I thought, is that something that she could respect?
Then, I wondered, why would I think such thoughts and feel such things?
Why would I want to devote my life to treating her like a queen?
I'm sure there are plenty of women who would like to treat me like a king. In fact, at one time my wife did treat me like a king.

So, why would I feel such a longing to have a wife that I would treat in such a way?
Did you guys feel this way about your BPD's?

Any comments on any of the questions I raised are appreciated.

Re: A Self observation

I've had fleeting moments where I have felt that way. Then when I pause I realize, NAW!!! I'd never say such a thing, especially to a BPD. Why? Because I would not mean it outside of that "moment". Nowadays I'm involved with a fine "normal" woman. I do feel this way about her, truly, but I'm not about to say such a thing. In this case I believe actions speak louder than words or passionate declarations.

Re: A Self observation

I've had fleeting moments where I have felt that way. Then when I pause I realize, NAW!!! I'd never say such a thing, especially to a BPD. Why? Because I would not mean it outside of that "moment". Nowadays I'm involved with a fine "normal" woman. I do feel this way about her, truly, but I'm not about to say such a thing. In this case I believe actions speak louder than words or passionate declarations.

I think it's a white knight proclamation of love thing.

Re: A Self observation

Sounds like the bargaining stage of grief.

We truly grieve these women. It is a human thing right up with death of a loved one. I used to have the same feeling but I HAD treated her like a queen. Stupid me! The final stage of grief is acceptance and there you find closure. "There was nothing to be done".

Re: A Self observation

We have gotten to know each other pretty well over the past six months, and in that familiarity I tend to treat you with kid gloves because you hold up and hide behind your children as your shield of indecision for your own self determination. Weather I feel that is legitimate cause for continuing with a dysfunctional marriage is really beside the point. I feel, and you do have every right to disagree, children or no, that your impulse for undying declarations is not white knightery at all but rather the last gasp of any real feelings, good or bad, you have for this most despicable and disagreeable woman.

The truth of the matter is that you may have had a misdirected "love" for her at one time but I feel I need to be honest with you at this juncture. The fact is, as I see it, if your characterizations to us of her are factual, you do not even "like" her. Who would, she is a histrionic BPD whom has shown absolutely total disregard for you personally, privately, and in public!

Re: A Self observation

Beaten...I'm new to this site, but you gave me some great tips and advice on my bpd girlfriend and you helped me so much. I have to tell you, you seem like a smart and caring dude. I'm sure there are better women out there for you. trust me, i know how hard it is to let go of these kinds of relationships and your married on top of it, with sucks bro. big time. but life is short, time is ticking away. Get rid of this woman, she doesnt deserve you. You may have some self esteem issues (i know i do and my bf loves to prey on them) but you must know deep down that you are better than her. she is simply beneath you, as most of these women are to us. from what i read, its guys like us (good guys, who want to please our women and make them happy) that are the perfect bait for these types of women. She'll never appreciate you and never give you the love you deserve from your woman, so screw it. leave her alone, go through the pain because without going through it, you cant get to the other side. which is where you belong, you deserve to be happy. so take a day or two to get your head right and then end it, for good. finally tell her that its absolutly probably dont have to tell her. dont worry about getting the last word or being the one who left her..just get out and heal your wounds and then go find a good girl, one who deserves you. and yes, to answer your question..i get in those loving moods all the time and make the mistake of sending my gf a text to tell her how beautiful she is or whatever....those things only make our bpd's respect us less because they hate themselves and dont respect anyone who loves them. LOL! look at me, reading on the internet for a day and im talking like an expert. just saying...these are the exact things that im telling myself.

Re: A Self observation

We have gotten to know each other pretty well over the past six months, and in that familiarity I tend to treat you with kid gloves because you hold up and hide behind your children as your shield of indecision for your own self determination. Weather I feel that is legitimate cause for continuing with a dysfunctional marriage is really beside the point. I feel, and you do have every right to disagree, children or no, that your impulse for undying declarations is not white knightery at all but rather the last gasp of any real feelings, good or bad, you have for this most despicable and disagreeable woman.

The truth of the matter is that you may have had a misdirected "love" for her at one time but I feel I need to be honest with you at this juncture. The fact is, as I see it, if your characterizations to us of her are factual, you do not even "like" her. Who would, she is a histrionic BPD whom has shown absolutely total disregard for you personally, privately, and in public!

The preview was much better than the movie.......

Re: A Self observation

I appreciate all of the support guys. I don't know how I became so stubborn in my life. I just get determined to do something and I don't know how to call it quits.
Maybe that is something I should look into also. Why can't I give up? Pride perhaps?

Re: A Self observation


The definition of insanity is ...

No offense, just pulling you one.

You're trying to get something working (your wife's appreciation), and it doesn't. You don't know how to continue, so you keep trying in the same way, hoping to one day get the desired result.

I've read your previous messages, and here's an advice:

Your wife has chased YOU when times were good, and you were alpha.
Now that you've become beta, she's not into you anymore.

To me it's pretty obvious where you need to go...

One tip : trying to tell her you love her or adore her, is clearly beta; alpha's basically don't care about the woman, so they never say things like that. With this approach, you're pushing her away, because it's the alpha she's looking for.

Try following this idea, and see what you get.

Re: A Self observation

Good message from Jack! If Beta doesn't work--try Alpha? I mean if you are going to stay in there and want to experiment-- What the heck right? I would just say this--first it isn't going, in all probablility, to work and if it does to a degree--when you go back to loving and adoring her--after faking like ya didn't--you will be vulnerable again and get creamed. At least that is my opinion. To love is to leave your flank undefended! If that person doesn't have your back they can destroy you!!!These woman are trojan horses. They come bearing gifts and the next thing you know the enemy is in your wheelhouse. To present Alpha to this woman is to beg for the next Trojan Horse! You got time for that nonsense???

On the other hand Jack makes perfect sense to the degree he is talking about basic battlefield tactics. But why with the same woman.

Beaten, I have sent the very same text before..really! And they dont feel it! Thats the problem they dont FEEL IT! They are not capabale of it.

Play the game if you are gonna. I guess Alpha the way to go here, but for God's sakes man do not allow her to re-injure you. she will if she can.

Re: A Self observation

I have to agree with the others here BTAP. I have done just what you described, treated my wife like a queen for a while(when we were married), and I got absolutely nothing for it. Turns out I was employing some nice guy behavior in that I was running a covert contract expecting something from it. When I got nothing, I was angry. It was just wrong to even get that started, so save yourself some disappointment.

I'd also like to recommend you read some of the info at The Rational Male blog. There is plenty of insightful stuff there, and even one on appreciation, or more to the point a woman's complete lack of it. Athol Kay's Married Man Sex Life is also pretty good, but I think his wife is a normal woman.

I also once thought as you did, as bad as things were I still had some glimmer of hope and I would not file for divorce. She threatened plenty of times, especially when she would run away and then text me telling me she was through. Then one day she told me she filed and I thought she was bluffing. Turns out she wasn't, but by this time hope had faded away and I was done. I was determined I wasn't going to be her b!itch and beg and grovel. That would have solidified my position as her sub, and I couldn't let my kids see their father gutted.

In the end, we divorced but now she is trying to hoover me back, saying she didn't mean it etc. Yeah, what kind of fool does she take me for anymore?

Re: A Self observation

To Beaten, I am new here but yes, I have had the impulse to send her texts, flowers, gifts, etc., all the no avail. I learned the hard way that I was so deep into the deception that I got caught up in allowing my identity be defined by this woman. In the end, she tossed me out after ripping me to shreds. I am now on a journey of healing. I believe that I will get to the other side of the pain and be a better person for it and like the other brothers mentioned, there is someone else out there that will treat us better and appreciate us. Hang in there.

Re: A Self observation


In the end, we divorced but now she is trying to hoover me back, saying she didn't mean it etc. Yeah, what kind of fool does she take me for anymore?
Wowza I have seen this as well. Once their power is taken or removed this statement demonstrates the absolute depths of their delusions. They just don't "get it", they just don't understand that there is a point where there is no "turning back" for us.

Re: A Self observation

Agreed, I'd say my faith and trust in her is broken.

Re: A Self observation

I have been being alpha lately. Things seemed to be different. She was more engaging and stuff. But, today, she was back to her cold self.
I didn't act like I gave a crap, though.

I used to date some really good women. I recall being able to express emotions, vulnerability, and so forth with them, and yet, they treated me like a man.
I always liked my emotions. They have been bottled up for a long time.

Have you guys found women out there that will accept you for who you are and allow you to not be superman all of the time?

Re: A Self observation

Most I have been with with the one exception. I was ripe for a hostile takeover.

Re: A Self observation

Yes... many! Beaten you truly crack me up on a couple of levels. Allow??? That is a scary concept. What I'm looking for is a woman who doesn't mind me peeing off the front porch.

Re: A Self observation


I didn't act like I gave a crap, though.

Good Man!

For a long time, you've swamped her in feelings, suffocated her with support, and basically licked her feet.
When someone offers you the good stuff all the time, you get used to it and it means nothing to you anymore in the end; you basically loose all respect for the gifts AND the giver.

Once you start holding the carrot out of reach, instead of sliding it down her throat, she will start to appreciate the carrot's value again.

You'll have to get used to keep your inner feelings to yourself around her; that's how you'll keep her on her toes. If that's what you'd like, go for it.

If you'd like to spell out your inner self to your partner, she might not be the right person for you.

Re: A Self observation

Jack the younger

I didn't act like I gave a crap, though.

Good Man!

For a long time, you've swamped her in feelings, suffocated her with support, and basically licked her feet.
When someone offers you the good stuff all the time, you get used to it and it means nothing to you anymore in the end; you basically loose all respect for the gifts AND the giver.

Once you start holding the carrot out of reach, instead of sliding it down her throat, she will start to appreciate the carrot's value again.

You'll have to get used to keep your inner feelings to yourself around her; that's how you'll keep her on her toes. If that's what you'd like, go for it.

If you'd like to spell out your inner self to your partner, she might not be the right person for you.
This is the worst advise thus far. That is not living, that is existing...BADLY! Life is an adventure, not a school boy game.

Re: A Self observation

Birdboy: That's for sure. A healthy relationship is about man and woman loving, honoring and caring for each other mutually, not having to 'bury' feelings, or 'using' what they know about each other as a weapon, to manipulate and control each other, or trying to 'act' like someone you are not (more alpha or whatever) so both can get some more of what each one wants for themselves.

Being in relationship with an NPD leaves you thinking 'maybe' if I do this, or 'act' this way, or 'say' this, or 'withhold' this, or 'give her everything' she wants while taking 'nothing' myself, then she will be 'happy' or we might have some 'relationship' but it is never EVER enough. Never will be, because that woman is damaged on a very deep emotional level from before you met her.

No relationship is ever 100% perfect even with two fairly healthy, emotionally normal people, but the normal give and take, interaction with husband and wife known as 'love' based on honesty and empathy is just not there, or likely ever will be, with an NPD partner. I guess each person has to come to grips with that themselves as to whether they want to live that way or not, and where there spouse is on the sliding scale of narcissism. If they are malignant...Run.

Re: A Self observation

I have been being alpha lately. Things seemed to be different. She was more engaging and stuff. But, today, she was back to her cold self.
I didn't act like I gave a crap, though.

I used to date some really good women. I recall being able to express emotions, vulnerability, and so forth with them, and yet, they treated me like a man.
I always liked my emotions. They have been bottled up for a long time.

Have you guys found women out there that will accept you for who you are and allow you to not be superman all of the time?

Beaten, there has to be a reason you aren't dating those good women anymore or that you didn't marry one of them. In the short term, I think it is OK to show some vulnerability, (maybe at funerals and such, it just shows you are human) however that makes them feel powerful cuz you just showed your soft underbelly and now they know where to stick the knife if they need to. It is never a good idea to show a woman too much vulnerability especially in the long term. Nor should you pedestalize a woman. She will just lose respect for you and wonder about your strength.

As far as other emotions, if she is paying attention to more than just herself, she will immediately recognize when she should back off and give you some space. (Mine never learned to STFU and of course, it was always all about her). Find some other way to vent. Run, lift weights, martial arts, whatever, just don't emote on your woman. That's what women do, emote. Sometimes a good grudge-f*ck works for both of you.

Don't forget, the queen is one of the 4 horsemen of the Borderline. The queen is in search of a king, but if you slip, she will make you her subject.

Re: A Self observation

This is the worst advise thus far. That is not living, that is existing...BADLY! Life is an adventure, not a school boy game.

True BB, but if he wants to keep her, that's what he needs to expect.

I'd bail too (heck, I am); a life without being yourself is just not worth it anymore.

Re: A Self observation

Jack the younger
This is the worst advise thus far. That is not living, that is existing...BADLY! Life is an adventure, not a school boy game.

True BB, but if he wants to keep her, that's what he needs to expect.

I'd bail too (heck, I am); a life without being yourself is just not worth it anymore.

You know Jack the older I get the more acute this awareness is for me. What I have found is that there are SO MANY women in their thirties forties and fifties searching for a decent man. So many in fact that I must keep my wits about me and remember to not do unto them what was done to me. What I have learned is that it is not just the men who have been screwed over by unscrupulous people but also the women folk have been shafted as well. There is a time and a place for getting real. For me that time has come. No B.S., no lying, no "impressing". Like Popeye said, "I yam what I yam". Now eat your spinach!

Re: A Self observation

Here is a great pertinent article:

The last paragraph sums up some pertinent things too:


To their partner, the Borderline's behaviors seem counterintuitive, and I get questions about this all the time; "If they're so afraid of abandonment, why do they push people away?" Here's my analogy: If you've chosen never to go through a divorce because you've seen the destruction it's wreaked in others lives--wouldn't you have to avoid getting married? The Borderline is terrified of abandonment. He/she doesn't allow themselves to attach, for fear of the annihilating pain that could follow if they do! You will never change this.

The Borderline will punish/deride you for failing to love her well enough--but she'll push you away, the instant that you do! Quite literally, you're ****ed when you adore the Borderline, and ****ed when you don't. This is totally confounding, and leaves you with a sense of hopeless longing for that which cannot be gratified. This lack of reciprocation in loving reactivates childhood wounding, and it's highly toxic to you.

When you've grown up gaining a sense of worth from being the perfect child or accommodating a parent's needs, and backing that up with rescuing or fixing impulses in adulthood, you're pretty confident you'll turn this deal around--if you just keep working at it! If you can just stabilize your partner, all will be right in your world. After all, you've accomplished other great feats, and this will prove no different, right? Wrong. This is your narcissistic injury talking, and it's needing to be healed. Core issues that are not resolved, are doomed to keep repeating.

Re: A Self observation

Here is a great pertinent article:

The last paragraph sums up some pertinent things too:


To their partner, the Borderline's behaviors seem counterintuitive, and I get questions about this all the time; "If they're so afraid of abandonment, why do they push people away?" Here's my analogy: If you've chosen never to go through a divorce because you've seen the destruction it's wreaked in others lives--wouldn't you have to avoid getting married? The Borderline is terrified of abandonment. He/she doesn't allow themselves to attach, for fear of the annihilating pain that could follow if they do! You will never change this.

The Borderline will punish/deride you for failing to love her well enough--but she'll push you away, the instant that you do! Quite literally, you're ****ed when you adore the Borderline, and ****ed when you don't. This is totally confounding, and leaves you with a sense of hopeless longing for that which cannot be gratified. This lack of reciprocation in loving reactivates childhood wounding, and it's highly toxic to you.

When you've grown up gaining a sense of worth from being the perfect child or accommodating a parent's needs, and backing that up with rescuing or fixing impulses in adulthood, you're pretty confident you'll turn this deal around--if you just keep working at it! If you can just stabilize your partner, all will be right in your world. After all, you've accomplished other great feats, and this will prove no different, right? Wrong. This is your narcissistic injury talking, and it's needing to be healed. Core issues that are not resolved, are doomed to keep repeating.

Wow, you came pretty close to describing my life.

Re: A Self observation

Here is a great pertinent article:

The last paragraph sums up some pertinent things too:


To their partner, the Borderline's behaviors seem counterintuitive, and I get questions about this all the time; "If they're so afraid of abandonment, why do they push people away?" Here's my analogy: If you've chosen never to go through a divorce because you've seen the destruction it's wreaked in others lives--wouldn't you have to avoid getting married? The Borderline is terrified of abandonment. He/she doesn't allow themselves to attach, for fear of the annihilating pain that could follow if they do! You will never change this.

The Borderline will punish/deride you for failing to love her well enough--but she'll push you away, the instant that you do! Quite literally, you're ****ed when you adore the Borderline, and ****ed when you don't. This is totally confounding, and leaves you with a sense of hopeless longing for that which cannot be gratified. This lack of reciprocation in loving reactivates childhood wounding, and it's highly toxic to you.

When you've grown up gaining a sense of worth from being the perfect child or accommodating a parent's needs, and backing that up with rescuing or fixing impulses in adulthood, you're pretty confident you'll turn this deal around--if you just keep working at it! If you can just stabilize your partner, all will be right in your world. After all, you've accomplished other great feats, and this will prove no different, right? Wrong. This is your narcissistic injury talking, and it's needing to be healed. Core issues that are not resolved, are doomed to keep repeating.

I know. My life too. You will figure it out like I did. Stay in the WORD.

Re: A Self observation

I know I'm measuring in inches, but here it goes...

We had probably 4 1/2 or 5 good days last week. As I said, I am not going out of my way to appease her. I don't try to search for things to have conversations about. If I don't feel like talking, I don't. This is remarkable progress in my marriage. You guys can beat me up if you want. I'm grateful for it though.

On another front, my oldest son (He's 19) has some hard feelings towards me over the years. I worked too many hours, wasn't patient enough with him and so forth. We all make mistakes with our oldest.
Well, we had a discussion the other night and we seemed to make progress also.
I know not to get to emotionally high from a little progress now. But, as I stated, I am grateful for it.

Re: A Self observation

I know I'm measuring in inches, but here it goes...

We had probably 4 1/2 or 5 good days last week. As I said, I am not going out of my way to appease her. I don't try to search for things to have conversations about. If I don't feel like talking, I don't. This is remarkable progress in my marriage. You guys can beat me up if you want. I'm grateful for it though.

On another front, my oldest son (He's 19) has some hard feelings towards me over the years. I worked too many hours, wasn't patient enough with him and so forth. We all make mistakes with our oldest.
Well, we had a discussion the other night and we seemed to make progress also.
I know not to get to emotionally high from a little progress now. But, as I stated, I am grateful for it.

Beaten: That's good. It takes a real man to make progress in those areas. A real man will be able to go back to his own children, and say, you know 'I recognize I was not a 'perfect dad' but all we can do is take what our parents did, 'where they were good and where they were less than they should have been' and try to do a better job with our own kids when they are born. Then assure them you love them regardless, and will never leave them or abandon them. You will always be there for them. A real man can do that, and children (especially boys) need to hear that affirmation from their dads. Of course it matters to daughters too. Dads matter a lot!

Re: A Self observation

Beaten: Just one other thing. I jumped the gun and made some rash statements in the past with my 17 year old son, and admitted it, and asked him to forgive me, because I was wrong, and I knew it. That takes a real man too. Most are stuck in pride, and won't do it. It's good for you and for your son too! Experience talking here.

Re: A Self observation

Paul (the original one)
Beaten: Just one other thing. I jumped the gun and made some rash statements in the past with my 17 year old son, and admitted it, and asked him to forgive me, because I was wrong, and I knew it. That takes a real man too. Most are stuck in pride, and won't do it. It's good for you and for your son too! Experience talking here.

Paul, I know that it is easy to say something rash when we have the problems in our marriage that we do. My son is holding stuff against me. Specifically about the affair I had. I told him that I was sorry. I told him that I went above and beyond for my family and yet somehow, I was the bad guy. I told him that if he didn't forgive that it would be fine. I did apologize though.

He also brought up that I don't visit my parents much. I reminded him that when they were sick I took care of them everyday and took care of their home on top of ours. In fact, I did so much that I myself became sick and have never really recovered 100%. I have some kind of fatigue and endless sinus problems now. lol. I told him that my parents never hugged me as a kid. They never told me that they loved me, and now, I hug them and tell them that I love them when I do see them. I told him that I may not like how I grew up, but I have accepted it.
He has been really different with me since. I know it is early yet. One interesting thing, his criticisms of me were word for word what my wife has said to me over the years.

Re: A Self observation

Paul (the original one)
Beaten: Just one other thing. I jumped the gun and made some rash statements in the past with my 17 year old son, and admitted it, and asked him to forgive me, because I was wrong, and I knew it. That takes a real man too. Most are stuck in pride, and won't do it. It's good for you and for your son too! Experience talking here.

Paul, I know that it is easy to say something rash when we have the problems in our marriage that we do. My son is holding stuff against me. Specifically about the affair I had. I told him that I was sorry. I told him that I went above and beyond for my family and yet somehow, I was the bad guy. I told him that if he didn't forgive that it would be fine. I did apologize though.

He also brought up that I don't visit my parents much. I reminded him that when they were sick I took care of them everyday and took care of their home on top of ours. In fact, I did so much that I myself became sick and have never really recovered 100%. I have some kind of fatigue and endless sinus problems now. lol. I told him that my parents never hugged me as a kid. They never told me that they loved me, and now, I hug them and tell them that I love them when I do see them. I told him that I may not like how I grew up, but I have accepted it.
He has been really different with me since. I know it is early yet. One interesting thing, his criticisms of me were word for word what my wife has said to me over the years.

Yes, even if your parents are toxic, the Word says you should honor them. Look up Joyce Meyers honoring her parents. Not that it applies, but you talk about someone that should have struggled. You need to still apologize for being less than you should have been as a parent. Kind David screwed up and went after Bathsheba. Then had Uriah killed. When he was confronted with his sin, he repented. There was still consequences for his sin. His son died, and lots of people in Israel suffered and died. King Saul did not repent, however. He died on his sword, and his soul was lost. Big difference there.

Re: A Self observation

He has been really different with me since. I know it is early yet. One interesting thing, his criticisms of me were word for word what my wife has said to me over the years.

BTAP : kids take over habits from the parents; also, if you repeat a paradigm often enough, you and the ones around you will accept it as part of reality.

I have the same issue with my kids. Wife tells them how bad dad is, and the youngest just sucks it in like a spunge, and tries to defend mommy against me, no matter whether it was a lie or not.
It is one of the things I really hate about my wife, and one of the things I will hold her accountable for when the time comes.

Good to hear about your progress. Apologizing to your son is very important, as it teaches you taking responsibility for your actions and apologizing when you caused distress. Children need examples, and you're being an excellent one on this part; I'm sure he appreciates it.

It looks like you're finding a way to live a normal life, as far as possible in your situation. Kudos to you, keep us updated.

Re: A Self observation

Interestingly enough, shortly after I put in here that my wife and I had 5 good days, she went cold last night. She wasn't mean or anything. Just silent and cold.
I'm journaling all of this. So, while I'm here I may as well attempt to figure out what happens.
I sometimes think its from her watching the LMN Movies where the guy does bad stuff. I really think she gets mad at me when she watches this stuff.

Re: A Self observation

Interestingly enough, shortly after I put in here that my wife and I had 5 good days, she went cold last night. She wasn't mean or anything. Just silent and cold.
I'm journaling all of this. So, while I'm here I may as well attempt to figure out what happens.
I sometimes think its from her watching the LMN Movies where the guy does bad stuff. I really think she gets mad at me when she watches this stuff.

BTAP: Yes, what goes into our eye gates, ear gates, who we hang out with matters, because it ends up in our hearts. So encourage her to put on good programming, or get rid of some stuff in your house etc. if there is some stuff that shouldn't be there.

The larger problem is what went into her eyes and ears etc. when she was a child before you met her. That's what is at issue. Those programs and junk friends etc. just reinforce wrong thought patterns that are there already.
(Such as, 'I can't trust men', nobody will ever love me, nobody will ever take care of me, so I will have to do it myself', I might as well reject my husband because he will eventually do it to me anyway', I only care about myself, so if my husband stops giving me what I want, I will look elsewhere for what seems to meet my needs etc. 'primary supply') and keep my husband and family on a string to look normal etc'.

A lot of those sum up a list of some of the 'lies' burned into my wife's soul, though there were more. She made those 'lies' become her own reality despite my best efforts to show her otherwise.

Re: A Self observation

The ex crazy once said, out of the blue, "I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours". I said Huh?, and immediately thought of the Cheshire cat.

Re: A Self observation

The ex crazy once said, out of the blue, "I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours". I said Huh?, and immediately thought of the Cheshire cat.

Ha. Good analogy.

Re: A Self observation


Talking for my self, I just not only felt that way, but a did anything in my power to pleased her over and over again, for five years of trying I did not succeed to complete pleased her.
One day I just left, it was a hard decision to make,
thanks to the support from James, the bloggers, friends and, family,
I'm a N free.
If I give her love never enough, money never enough, a N will never be pleased.
I remember a comment that I heard from coomodoug(Fred Payne)
show me how much you love me and show you how much I'll make suffer.

Keep educating your self,


Re: A Self observation

Events of the day:

She and I went shopping together for a bit for the kids. A guy came into the store we were at that owed her money at her store. I said out loud, "did he ever pay you the money he owed you?"
She made a disapproving face at me and said that there was no need to be "rude."
I said, the guy didn't pay you money he owed you, and you are worried about being rude.
She said that he finally paid her.
So, from what I gather, a guy can screw her over financially and she doesn't want to offend him. But, she can withhold love and affection from me for years because of whatever.
I didn't bring it up further because I am trying not to give a ****.

Later, I spent some time with my father in law. He and I have a great relationship. We talked for a couple of hours together. His wife is very rude to him most of the time. I know that is where my wife learned it.
Anyway, he went on to tell me what a good father I was, and how years ago he had a conversation with his wife that one day the kids will be gone and it will just be "us." He said he told her this because she was so wrapped up with the kids.
He implied that my wife and I needed to have that conversation before it is too late. Well, I had that conversation with her many times over the years. I did not tell him this. Anyway, her response to me was always derogatory. I figure my father in law met the same responses.

He did say a few things to me about learning to be different. He said it was too late for him now, he's 77, but he said I could change how I am. He said this primarily because he knew I worked too much over the years (just like him).
It was nice talking to him again one on one.
I think he knows that there are problems in my marriage. I think he knows that I have done my best. I also think he knows about my affair, and he still loves and accepts me as a son in law.

Sorry for the rambling post. Maybe you guys can read between the lines and spot something that I am missing on this.

Re: A Self observation

On the bright side your stories are always a good reminder for me about how good I "got it". Seems like you don't "really" hear him, just like you don't really "listen" to us.

Re: A Self observation

On the bright side your stories are always a good reminder for me about how good I "got it". Seems like you don't "really" hear him, just like you don't really "listen" to us.

I do listen. I really do. I guess I'm hoping beyond hope that something good will happen in the marriage.

Re: A Self observation

HOPE! My take on that concept is that hope is futile. Hope is the regret of the vanquished. Without hope there is no expectation. Without expectation there is no disappointment. Without disappointment there is freedom. By abandoning hope, every day is a good day. Anything is possible.

Re: A Self observation

I think hope is misplaced-in this context it (hope) simply is the chain that binds us. It keeps us trapped Beaten. We can be Alpha Beta, Delta and act all day like we don't care-these woman are immune to all that. They are missing --get that ? Missing those parts-emotions-that would allow them to function in any predictable way. They can't even predict. They are rudderless and when we attach we are as well. My point-you know that now! Once we know , it is on us man. 2+2 will never equal 5-pigs don't fly and don't recite poetry no matter how much we hope they will.

We can play the game all we want now but we know the deal we become accomplices and co-conspirators to the extent we do. Consider yourself just that when you hope and experiment. Nobody knows your situation better than you, but your posts suggest you have decided to set out to prove the earth is flat or that the Easter Bunny is real. You seem like a good guy-normally strong who is used to handling anything and believes you can fix her so you are tinkering with your own wiring to make it connect properly to hers. If you pull that off you will probably get the Nobel Prize. But to be honest, I think my Schnauzer has a better chance to become a concert pianist.

Re: A Self observation

Hey back from my little trip well actually been home since last Wednesday. I put 2400 miles on myself and my truck. I had a lot of time thinking and I've come to a conclusion. I made the wrong choice pretty d a m n simple. Its been a struggle but after spending time with my children and grandson it was pretty easy to see. So I guess what I think at this point is don't look back you can't change whats happened learn from it. I know that sounds pretty simplistic I guess it really is that simple. These freaks I use the term lightly we were involved with are going their merry way and just let them. You can expend tons and I do mean tons of time and energy trying to make sense from madness. Many of us here have but truly its pointless. You guys KNOW whats important even if many of you just can't let it go. I went through the many stages of confusion trying to figure out why the truck hit me why me. Well the truck had to hit someone. And the truck is going to hit the next someone. Just don't let it be you again...... end of line


Re: A Self observation

ahhhhhhhh nothing more attractive than a woman with a brain

Re: A Self observation

Mark (upper case)
Hey back from my little trip well actually been home since last Wednesday. I put 2400 miles on myself and my truck. I had a lot of time thinking and I've come to a conclusion. I made the wrong choice pretty d a m n simple. Its been a struggle but after spending time with my children and grandson it was pretty easy to see. So I guess what I think at this point is don't look back you can't change whats happened learn from it. I know that sounds pretty simplistic I guess it really is that simple. These freaks I use the term lightly we were involved with are going their merry way and just let them. You can expend tons and I do mean tons of time and energy trying to make sense from madness. Many of us here have but truly its pointless. You guys KNOW whats important even if many of you just can't let it go. I went through the many stages of confusion trying to figure out why the truck hit me why me. Well the truck had to hit someone. And the truck is going to hit the next someone. Just don't let it be you again...... end of line

I believe I have reached this exit as well. I just can no longer blame the bus that hit me... at the end of the day, after all, it was me that chose to play on the freeway after dark. I thank God I'm still walking.

Re: A Self observation

So, she was cold and distant again tonight. I can't make the effort anymore.

So, in a divorce case, do I put myself at a disadvantage if I move out?

Re: A Self observation

If you are a male you are at disadvantage no matter what you do.

Re: A Self observation

So, she was cold and distant again tonight. I can't make the effort anymore.

So, in a divorce case, do I put myself at a disadvantage if I move out?

Yes. Do NOT move out. Even if you are in divorce process and always consult your lawyer.

Re: A Self observation

So, she was cold and distant again tonight. I can't make the effort anymore.

So, in a divorce case, do I put myself at a disadvantage if I move out?

Not necessarily. It depends if your state is a no-fault state. If it is, if one files the other cannot really stop the process. The court generally splits debts 50-50 and assets 50-50.

If it is not a no-fault state then an uncontested divorce is still best, the legal bills go up for both if there is a lot of arguing back and forth.

Most of the time, the women end up favored to get custody, and most of the time, the men get the raw end of the deal a little more so, but staying married to a narc will eventually end up in the destruction of your finances one way or another anyway. Least wise, it's not healthy to a solid financial footing long term. Generally by them taking eveything, or doing something without your knowledge like taking out loans, or running up debts without your knowledge, and then leaving.

If you have some place where you can go crash relatively inexpensively, until you see what is what, it helps to get your head clear just being out from under the same roof. Or if you have your mind made up, get an apartment, and set it up and just bite the bullet. It is a process, but most guys seem to say they started to see things more clearly then after a number of months apart. Occasional hoovering and sporadic rages aside.

Re: A Self observation

Beaten-get immediate legal advice before doing anything-could be complex! Think about every move before you make it-Godspeed sir-we are here for you brother!

Re: A Self observation

What an idiot
Beaten-get immediate legal advice before doing anything-could be complex! Think about every move before you make it-Godspeed sir-we are here for you brother!

Oh, yes, I was just giving you an 'overview' of what little I've learned so far. It varies state to state and case by case to a degree, but yes, you can usually get an initial consultation for an hour or two no charge. Interview two or three.

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