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Time for the next one?

Hi guys,

I've been thinking a bit (again).

In the animal world it is quite common for species that the female mates with a male, and then chases the male away before or after raising the offspring.

I'm wondering, since we're also mammals, would women have the same behaviour?

I know actually only a few couples that are still living on good terms when the kids are teenagers. Virtually all couples I know get into serious conflicts when the kids start to grow up.

It is of course difficult to analyze this, since there are so many factors involved, but couldn't it be that women just push their "mate" away because of their natural instincts?

Any thoughts?

Re: Time for the next one?

Jack the younger
Hi guys,

I've been thinking a bit (again).

In the animal world it is quite common for species that the female mates with a male, and then chases the male away before or after raising the offspring.

I'm wondering, since we're also mammals, would women have the same behaviour?

I know actually only a few couples that are still living on good terms when the kids are teenagers. Virtually all couples I know get into serious conflicts when the kids start to grow up.

It is of course difficult to analyze this, since there are so many factors involved, but couldn't it be that women just push their "mate" away because of their natural instincts?

Any thoughts?

Jack: As I've read and studied what happens with an NPD person, after 32 years of marriage, my search for answers has led me to believe it is a 'spiritual problem' and thus a behavior 'sin' problem, from wounding they received in their childhood. Ideally, marriage is meant to be between one man, and one woman for life, but sin and selfishness (especially NPD) disrupt that best order of things.

I believe man (and women) are so distinctly different from animals, that there is little if any application when comparing their responses. Though, I believe we are created in God's image, whether someone else does or not, the following first four points still point out the profound differences between us and animals...


Even on the purely biological plane there is a wide, unbridgeable chasm between man and beast, as illustrated by the following four considerations:

1.The human brain possesses qualities [G2, p. 115–130] that have no parallel in the animal world. One consequence is man’s explicit mental capabilities.

2.Man possesses the faculty of speech (see OB2), and his creative communication by means of his vocal system is completely different from those of animals [G7, p. 112–130]. He has the unique ability to pay attention to various matters at will; he has an inconceivably wide range of interests and observation, because it is possible to consider spatially and temporally remote objects; he is able to make abstractions and to use his system of signs for meta-lingual purposes.

3.Only man is fully bipedal; he can walk upright because of the special structure of the spine. Thus, our hands are not required for locomotion and are available for other purposes.

4.Only man is able to express emotions (e.g., joy, sadness, hope, laughter, shyness). Some animals seem to have similar abilities, but they cannot be compared with human emotions.

The Bible: The Bible clearly distinguishes between man and beast:

1.On the sixth day, Adam was created “in the image of God” and quite apart from the land animals through a clearly distinguished separate act of creation. The Hebrew word bara (create) is used three times in Genesis 1:27 to emphasize this act of creation.

2.Only man received the breath of God. In this way, he was given a spirit (Eccles. 12:7; 1 Thess. 5:23) so that he transcends the world of the animals.

3.Only when Adam was created, did God “use his hands”: “The Lord God formed [Hebrew yatsar] the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Gen. 2:7). In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word yatsar is used to describe the actions of a potter who skillfully and imaginatively forms his vessels. In the same way, God used earthly matter for Adam’s physical parts.

4.Only man can actually communicate with God. Only he possesses the gift of speech and of prayer by means of which he can express all his thoughts before his Creator. Man was created to be near and close to God. He is dependent on communion with God.

5.Only man has a free will and possesses the faculty of creative thought. According to Psalm 8:5, man was made “a little lower than the heavenly beings.” Human beings possess gifts such as freely developing personalities, inventiveness, and the capacity for cultural development (writing, music, historical awareness).

6.Even the difference in flesh is mentioned in the Bible: “All flesh is not the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another” (1 Cor. 15:39). This finding has consequences for molecular biology: Proteins comprise the major part of the body. The human body contains approximately fifty thousand different kinds of proteins, each fulfilling its own specific functions. They have different amino acid sequences. All organisms have certain amino acids in the same positions in the polypeptide chain, and they serve to establish and preserve the characteristic functions of the specific protein. In contrast to this precise positioning, there are other positions where the amino acids clearly differ from one kind to the other.

7.It is said only about man that he was not only created “by God,” but also “for Him” (Col. 1:16). This high purpose is only ascribed to man. Animals are also creatures of God, but they did not receive the calling to become children of God (John 1:12).

8.In contrast to the animals, man is an eternal being; this means that his existence never ends, even after the death of the body (Luke 16:19–31). An imperishable body will be raised from the perishable one (1 Cor. 15:42).

Re: Time for the next one?

Thank you, Paul, for the extensive explanation.

I just have the impression that I rarely see happily married couples of 10+ years these days.

Also, I have the idea that since people nowadays do not need to fight for survival anymore in the modern world, our behaviours seem to follow more and more our other instincts (sex, dominance), and thus becoming more animalistic in that sense.

Maybe it is just my impression, and I should come out of the forest more often

Re: Time for the next one?

Jack the younger
Thank you, Paul, for the extensive explanation.

I just have the impression that I rarely see happily married couples of 10+ years these days.

Also, I have the idea that since people nowadays do not need to fight for survival anymore in the modern world, our behaviours seem to follow more and more our other instincts (sex, dominance), and thus becoming more animalistic in that sense.

Maybe it is just my impression, and I should come out of the forest more often

Jack, Yes, it's getting worse and worse. The destruction of the family, the signals society sends to women 'you can have it all' etc. (which translates in to end up miserable and with 'nothing'). Even the definition of 'marriage' is being questioned. And that was God's idea with a specific set up and defination. Selfishness is taught as a way of life, in schools, on tv, and everywhere else anymore. Something like 60-70 percent of kids grow up without a father anywhere in sight, so little girls don't know how to relate to a husband, and boys don't know how to be men, fathers and husbands when they grow up. The cycle gets worse and worse.

All the same things have happened to every great country or society, in the same order, like Rome, Russia, etc. etc. as they get increasingly godless, amoral and then immoral (and yes that means acting more like animals). I am afraid we have as a nation passed a tipping point too, and the rate of decline is increasing, sad to say.

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