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Decsribe their Relationship with their Father

Just curious as to how odd their relationships with their dads are.

Re: Decsribe their Relationship with their Father

mines a daddy's girl and she puzsy whipped him good. i believe her dad to be pretty narcissistic. he tries to act tough but he knows his limitations fairly well so hes fairly humble. the weirdest thing about him is he has a long distance relationship with some Philippine woman. so he pampers his daughter because hes lonely. ive seen him drive by my house a few times. he used to be meaner but i think he stopped drinking. years ago he was very aggressive. chased me away with a bat. talked about shooting me for bugging her. she used to say "daddy!!!" pretending she needed help from me for her own amusement. i think her dad tries to be cool for his age and tries to do cool things every now and then.

i used to try to help him with his daughter by warning him of her activities but since he pretends he doesnt get my facebook messages ive blocked him. hes on his daughter's facebook currently. she will sometimes compliment her dad and post pictures of him to feed her delusional past. she would call the cops on him in a second like she does guys she dates if he doesnt do what she says and they fight. the funniest thing is he keeps buying her electronics and within a few weeks its stolen or she sells it. yet he keeps buying her more stuff anyway.

i think hes highly influenced by other people just like his daughter. the Philippine girlfriend idea i think he got from a relative who married one. his job is the same job some relatives have, etc. they have that whole keep your family close mentality. one time he cried in front of me over a relative dying so he could get comfort from his daughter. i think he is deluded like his daughter to be honest. he will post things like his "darling daughter" etc. even though shes off banging a methhead loser. horrible things go down and he ignores it and puts on the idolization garbage.

Re: Decsribe their Relationship with their Father

My ex had a odd relationship with her father. She claimed her dad didnt teach her how to deal with her emotions because he was off doing his own thing. He had several girlfriends throughout his life and that she felt pushed aside and ignored. It seemed she always wanted her dads attention. He raised her to do things on her own, much like a harded man would do to his son. During her teenage years her dad had her committed, because she was raging out and on drugs ( he was too ). To this day she was jealous of anyone he gave attention to, her brother, his relationships, and even her own son. I seen him to be a decent guy actually. She gave him alot of crap, and was hypersensitive to any advice he gave her in regards to life or raising her son. She was a b itch to him, but he would do the same back if she provoked him. They got along better when she moved out of course, but the jealousy and resentment still continued.

Re: Decsribe their Relationship with their Father

same with my ex. she actually beat up her dad's girlfriends and her dad always tried to date girls his daughters age. and yeah they would get in fights til she got her own apartment and yeah she got committed a few times to mostly for destroying neighbor's property or screwing with people she didnt like.

she got a lot of this behavior from her dad. her dad would do pranks like post no gays allowed beside a gay neighbor's house etc. or break into pools. so his daughter would mess with the gay people or break into pools all the time. she even talks about killing people offshore, incest, killing children in the neighborhood and drinknig their blood in the bath tub all sorts of crap.

Re: Decsribe their Relationship with their Father

Simple answer and only with hindsight, her father was her hero, BUT her mother ......she was pure PDI, physically and emotionally abusive to her and her father.

So she was always on a mission to "rescue" men from bad marriages. But that was it, end a marriage and move on, job done, rescue over. Leaving a string of broken marriages and stranded men wondering wtf?

But she was also capable of PDI trates, after all thats what she was taught.

Sad really.

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