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How Many Of These Things Did Your Narc Do?

Just curious how many female narcs do these things mine does to me.

1. During silent treatment/devaluation they give the phone to other people to yell at you usually ANYONE no matter who it is.

2. Preemptively tells her friends how much she dislikes you while still inviting you over every now and then secretly only to finally trash you and have all of them on her side ready to kick your butt even though you were recently with her like everything was ok.

3. Says shes gonna make you something or do something with you but near the time the event is supposed to happen they get rid of you then call you back days later. for example dodge their birthday with you or say they are gonna make you food only to make it for someone else.

4. Tell you suddenly that you don't DESERVE something like deserve to use their blanket.

5. Secretly cheat on you and leave little hints around too lazy to hide the evidence like leaving the new guy's toothbrush there for you to see.

6. Calling you right before they cheat on you or are about to come back to the area to get your attention (sometimes calling anonymously so they can say it wasn't them or wrong number).

7. Steals something right before you leave for the last time like your shorts or even a sock or anything else like that to keep it as a souvenir.

8. hooks up with equally immoral delusional trashy people.

9. abandoned their child.

10. wants to steal their friends boyfriends or gets jealous of all other women who control men in their life.

11. randomly changes their personality. one week shes hitting you for something or unwilling to do something. next week shes fine with it.

12. does all the same things they did with you with the next boyfriend. even has the nerve to introduce them to people they introduced you to a week earlier.

13. treats people long distance that she barely knows better than real world people. for example refuses to friend real people on facebook but adds people form years ago idealizing them even though when she did know them their relationship wasnt so great.

14. invites over random people they dont know.

15. stars abusive habits with one guy then immediately does it to other guys as well.

16. calls the police when she doesnt get her way then drops the phony charges when police arrive only to say she just wants you to leave.

17. suddenly turns indifferent to you and doesnt care and begins the silent treatment. she doesnt care if you stalk her really unless you get in the way. it doesnt phase her or scare her.

18. exaggerates things about you to make the stories more interesting good or bad.

19. doesnt tell you about big events that recently happened.

20. claims to love people they dont care about to get a reaction from others.

21. adds the same generic pawns to her facebook that she never ever plans to talk to or be friends with again.

22. compulsive white lying. for example saying she values the opinion of someone that she doesnt even care about if she agrees with their opinion to suit her goal. or says someone is her best friend when its not or belittles a past relationship (could be real feelings to the relationship) like saying she was only with a guy because he seemed to be doing more interesting things or she was only with another guy cause she had the urge to cook and take care of someone.

23. stories from other people who knew her finally surfacing saying she was annoying and they took advantage of her by realizing she got jealous easily or stealing from her because she was careless with her stuff.

24. asks for your help with something and if you dont immediately respond or agree they ask another guy.

25. dont care who they hook up with. could be fat and twice their age or more realistic relationships.

26. posts enough information every now and then to know exactly where she is making it easy to stalk her. sometimes even throwing her phone number out to the public.

27. they take it as a challenge to prevent you from doing something you say youre going to do and theres nothing they can do about it but if you dont be so forceful about it they dont take it as a challenge. maybe for example saying youre going to talk to them later after you caught them cheating and they respond with NO YOU WONT. Then egg them on about how they dont have the guts to get the cops involved to stop you so it immediately escalates more and more when you could have just harassed her and she wouldnt have even considered or wanted to get the cops involved..

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