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mental strength

There was a dog by the name of Jake who lived in the backyard of a beautiful home owned by a well known family. Everyone in the neighborhood knew about the Robertson's devoted dog named Jake. He was a very good watch dog. The kind of dog that would give his own life for his family. Every morning at the same time you would see Mrs. Robertson taking Jake for his 6am walk. Jake looks so happy whenever he's with her. The two of them would venture through the neighborhood taking on the sights as they go. For years, they would follow their routine faithfully everyday. To the average person this appeared to be the perfect life for Jake. In so many ways it was. Jake lived at a beautiful home with a big front and backyard to run and play as he pleased. All the latest dog toys he could ever want. All of his meals hand fed by Mrs. Robertson herself. Indeed, Jake had the life many stray dogs dreamed of. Or did he? See, to the untrained eye Jake was living in heaven on Earth. But what many didn't see was the hidden abuse Jake had to endure everyday. Jake was a loyal dog, but even his loyalty couldn't earn him a spot inside the Robertson's home. Even when the weather was bad, Jake was not allowed inside. One year the storm was so bad, the raindrops look like tears rolling off Jake's face as he stared at the Robertson's eating dinner through their big glass pane window. Mrs. Robertson seen Jake starring at her, but showed no emotions for him as though he'd meant nothing to her as she continued to eat her dinner. Jake couldn't believe the person he had devoted his life to could be so cold. Another time, Jake was playing with a ball in the backyard, when he accidentally knocked over his food bowl. When Mrs. Robertson seen this she became furious. She quickly grabbed a stick and started beating Jake with it. Jake yelped as he tried to escape the lashes from the stick. But she continued the punishment for several minutes. A neighbor from across the street heard the commotion and came running to help. "Is everything alright he yelled!" Mrs. Robertson suddenly dropped the stick called out to the neighbor,"Help, I don't know what's come over my dog!" As she ran to the neighbor's side. "He started growling at me, so I feared for my life, that's why I had to use a stick to keep him off of me." Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was like Jeckle and Hyde. Often times she would call him stupid and would say things like,"you're not the best dog in this neighborhood ya know" as she grinned. "We could do better than you, like Spike, the Smiths' dog from down the street." "He's bigger and stronger than you." Jake just sat and starred in disbelief. Everyday you would see Jake and Mrs. Robertson taking their stroll around the neighborhood looking like the best of friends. But little did everyone know about the abuse back at home. Maybe the gleem on Jakes face was not from the joy he felt at that moment, yet knowing that the walks would take awhile because they were so long, and the longer the walk the less time he would spend at home. It's sad to say that there are too many Jakes out there suffering in silence. Just know that you don't have to work long hours on the job or take the long way home anymore. Mrs. Robertson's abusive ways will finally come to an end and you shall be free. I promise.

Re: mental strength

Hello Worn,

Good point; it is all too common to just look at the outside, and disregard what happens in reality.

Lots of people are suffering in silence, and survive solely on their own mental strength.

I think a public campaign to reach out to them would help here.


Re: mental strength

What's up Jack,
From a distance, any relationship can appear to be normal. But, there many who suffer behind closed doors. Next time your out just observe a few couples throughout your day. Being a victim of abuse, you can recognize the signs. It's like a prisoner who was freed after serving 30 years in prison. Your heart goes out to all of the prisoners still incarcerated in a relationship with an abuser.

Re: mental strength

Sad, but true.

You are an empathic person.

This world needs more people like you.


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