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just watched correcting the church of unlimited errors

the minister keeps saying "i believe"
isnt that strange?

Re: a

prove god exists without using the bible.
after 2000 years there should be a lot of proof.

Re: a

Dawkins says there is a teapot in orbit around the sun. Along with the teapot, there is a golf ball orbiting the sun. And there is evidence that there is a golf ball orbiting the sun. When they landed on the moon, they also hit a golf ball. Because of the weak gravity of the moon, the golf ball exited the moons gravity, sling shot around the earth, using the gravity of the earth to speed up and head for the sun. Then the golf ball also used venus to accelerate to a speed that would orbit the sun. So if you take your telescope and point it at the space between mercury and venus, you can just make out the faint light from the golf ball.

can you find the golf ball on the moon? -- no
can you find the golf ball anywhere else outside the orbit of the earth? -- no

Re: a

i have another question.

if god is all knowing and infallible, and the bible is the word of god, who is infallible. why do we need apologetics?

Re: a

hah... just found out that there were apologists in 100 AD. shouldnt that be a hint?