Hi! Almost two years ago I had a skydiving accident (malfunction). Since then I am in a wheelchair. Still able to walk with sticks and move the legs I would like to start skydiving again. Freefall shouldn´t be a problem, but maybe the landing. Does anybody have informations about somebody in a wheelchair who skydives?? Or do you have any ideas for the landing..... Thanks, I have to get back in the air!!!!!!
A man with MS, who is now my friend, came to the DZ for a tandem. He rides around on his hot rod. ( It was his frist Skydive. ) He comes around all the time now and is an awesome guy. Anyway, tandems are all good. but bungee your ankles to the JM. Just in case. Or figure out something else for opening.... or you might get a black eye! Wish I caould be there jumping with you! Write me at my website. AirAnn.com
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Hi! Almost two years ago I had a skydiving accident (malfunction). Since then I am in a wheelchair. Still able to walk with sticks and move the legs I would like to start skydiving again. Freefall shouldn´t be a problem, but maybe the landing. Does anybody have informations about somebody in a wheelchair who skydives?? Or do you have any ideas for the landing..... Thanks, I have to get back in the air!!!!!!