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25th Infantry Division Association Forum
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John Anderson, HHC 4/9 Manchus, Nui Ba Den, May 1968

I am interested in corresponding with anyone who knew my cousin John Anderson. John was a radio operator on Nui Ba Den and died in the attack May 13, 1968. John was HHC, 4/9 Manchus. If anyone knew John I would greatly appreciate corresponding with you. I was 13 when John passed away.

Thank you

Ed Tatarnic

Re: John Anderson, HHC 4/9 Manchus, Nui Ba Den, May 1968

I was in the 4th and 9th manchus i dont know the name but we have our own website check there
they have any body you want to find.nui ba den was realy the only mountain in south vietnam. America had an outpost on the top of it and we battled back and forth for it many times i was in bravo company in the 25th infantry division.i was also an rto man so i know the dangers.
JOE Straub

Re: Re: John Anderson, HHC 4/9 Manchus, Nui Ba Den, May 1968

Hello Joe, yes I have been on the Manchus web site and the veterans have been very helpful. I was just trying another avenue to search for information regarding John.
Ed Tatarnic