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25th Infantry Division Association Forum
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Anyone knew a Kenneth J. Lentz in Vietnam during 1969???

I am trying to find out more information on my father's experience in Vietnam during 1969. He was stationed at the Cu Chi Military Base during most of 1969. His rank was Staff Seargent and he was a payroll clerk. I believe he was with the 25thg Unit but I am not sure. Anyway, I am posting this message in the hopes that someone will remember this man from New Jersey. You see, I can not ask him any questions about his experiences in Vietnam since he is deceased. He passed away from cancer back in 1995. However, I am now taking up a serious interest in his military experiences since I rediscoveered his military awards while looking through his belongings.
I already contacted the Military Personal Center in Missouri and they were able to provide me some information, but it leaves many auestions unanswered. I was wondering if anyone is out there that knew this man and could tell me a little something about his expereicnes there. I would like to know more since he never spoke of Vietnam. If you knew my father during his time at Cu Chi can you please e-mail me at My name is Richard. I would like to know what he was like duirng those days, what he did to win so many awards, and what were his most memorable expereinces. Hopefull, there is someone out there that remembers my father. Thank you very much.