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25th Infantry Division Association Forum
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finding my father

My name is Hannah I was born in Vietnam on April 28, 1971. Cu chi My mom's name is Kimmai. In 1969 my dad was in the vietnam war, 25th Aviation "B" Company. I want to locate my dad I haven't seen him in 35 years. If anyone knows of his where abouts please contact me by mailing me at 235 E west street Tacoma Wa, 98404. My dad left Vietnam in 1970 to come to America. He friends with a vietnamie lady who he wrote a letter too, to give to my mom, that was last time my mom heard from him, that was 1 month before I was born. In this letter my father told my mom to go to Siagon, get papers to go to America. My mom she told him she didnt want to go. Then he said he would come vietnam but he didnt, because he coulnd't find a job there, and I understand this, my mom understands too, but now I just want to find him. thank you if you havge helpful information! my phone number is 253-267-1096 thank you