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25th Infantry Division Association Forum
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Looking for old Buddies

I am looking for any one who was with the 25th Div. Arty. Avn. in Chu Chi in 1967 to 69. Our first air field was along the end of the runway of the air strip and then we built a new one behind the holding area where the new troops came in and stayed untill sent to their duty station. We had OH-23's at first and then went to OH-6A's. We had 18 Loch's total. I was there from June 1967 till Aug. 1969. I was the section Chief after Sgt. Larry Jones . Maj. Richards and then I think Cpt. Jerry Richardson was our comanding officer then Cpt. Clark. Sp/5 James Stark took my place after I went home. I would like to get in touch with any one who served with me . Pilots and crew chiefs. I like to get together with anyone who wants to to talk over old times. SP6 Big ED Kuchinic from Pittsburgh Pa.