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25th Infantry Division Association Forum
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25th ID Command Sergeant Major names and years

All current and past Warriors of the 25th Infantry Division, I am in need of assistance. We are constructing the 25th ID Command Sergeant Major (CSM) wall with photos and time served of past Division CSM’s and I am in need of years that any of you know that the following Command Sergeant majors served as the Commanding Generals senior enlisted advisor. Below are the names but am missing the dates so please reply of the years you know those listed served as the 25th ID C SM for the Division CG.

CSM Robert Steele
CSM Jan Schalavin
CSM Gary Carpenter
CSM Daniel Stanley
CSM John Sublousky
CSM Paul Nunan
CSM Kenneth Leyden


"Tropic Lightning!"... "RLTW!"
Command Sergeant Major, USA
25th Infantry Division Command Sergeant Major

"You must hurt to win!" We are all fit and strong, what makes the difference is your willingness to suffer!
Yasotay (Mongol Warlord), 1314

Re: 25th ID Command Sergeant Major names and years

My Father, CSM John F. Sublousky, served from 1974-1977 as the Division CSM.