Horse Crazy Horse Club Vote Caster

Thank you for taking time ot vote. If you have a subject you would like to put to the vote, please email me at

There are many mixed feelings about hunting - blood sports. Do you think it should be allowed to continue or should it be stopped?
Ban it altogether.
Let it continue.
Don't care.

There are so many accidents on the road involving horses and motor vehicles. Sometimes it is the drivers at fault and other times it is the rider. Do you think that road safety test should be compulsory for horse and rider before riding on roads?
Yes, it is a good idea & I would take the test myself.
Yes, it is a good idea, but I would not take the test.
No, it is not a good idea, but I would do it if I had to.
No, it is not a good idea & I would not take the test.
I have taken a test already.

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