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Re: St. Vith

got a feeling that i wont be able to attend, i still don't have a car so everything is still up in the air, i mite be able to catch a ride with some germans but the only way they will take me is if i do german to so i don't know, like i said everything is still up in the air.

Re: St. Vith

That's crap here's an indea bayonet them and take their car...and their weapons...oh and their uniforms so you can infiltrate the german lines. Geez...when you see them tell them Heady is going to get them....I will put their own jackboots in their own arses...when I get home.

Re: St. Vith

yeah that is crap but i can understand where they are coming considering that there is limited space so why take an enemy when you can take a friend