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Robert Quillen


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Re: Is this world real? Prove it!

Whether the world is real or not, everyone has their own opinon on it and appear to believe that this world is infact real. We live on it and we think we know that this world is real, perhaps it isn't but it is the scientific facts that we base our thoughts on, leading us to believe that this world is real, whether it is or whether it isn't.

Re: Is this world real? Prove it!

It doesn't matter if the universe is real or not, because either way we still have to experience our entire life in our "reality." This makes the issue of whether it actually is "reality" irrelevant because it is the only reality we know, and thus the only one we can experience. Even if it's not real, so what? How will that change my life? If it does it certainly won't be for the better. Imagine if the Common People (who tend not to think for themselves) realized? It would create mass hysteria and a complete lack of morality would ensue, for if the world does not exist, how can crime, justice, emotion, pleasure, pain, etc exist?

School isk

Re: Is this world real? Prove it!

The world is real. Many people think that the world is a prison, i agree to you to an extent because of all the rules that we have to follow, but the Earth is better than anywhere else. where else will you go?
You go into outer space, there's no oxygen. you are now trapped in a worse prison. You go to another planet, its another prison.
the world is real and it is not a prison. the world is too big for it to be a prison, there is still so much that we do not know about our world and yet, you call it a prison.
if the world is a prison, where do you find freedom?
and if the world isn't real, why are we here?

Re: Is this world real? Prove it!

Now that I'm older and smarter, lets see...

Yes the world is real. If you were to say it was all in your mind, let me shoot you dead. I assure you, by the time you're gone, you'd realize that, crap, it's real! Try to find a way around THAT.